Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Thankful for a Generous, Supportive Friend

On social media the other day a friend posted that he had an extra ticket to an event. I reached out to him and inquired about what he was talking about. He booked a trip for four people and needed one more to complete the group. He said that if I wanted to go I didn’t need to reimburse him, to just come. After getting more details, I decided I definitely wanted to go. This year I have free time and I can work from anywhere so I am not holding myself back from fun opportunities.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Pleasant Surprises

After discussing my new website with some friends, one of them offered to use his skills to help me optimize my page. I learned a lot from him! I even made more social media pages to grow my brand. I have a Twitter and Facebook now too! I was very grateful for his help and expertise.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

2023 Family Vacation

Monday, my brother and his girlfriend had come over to visit. During our time together, our Dad’s vacation to Tennessee was brought up. After a small discussion Mom and I decided we wanted to go as well. So, what was originally a biker’s trip turned into a family trip.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Supercross Races

My friend invited me to go with some other friends to the San Diego Supercross racing event. I had never been to one of these events, so I was eager to accept and experience something new. My friend drove, which was very nice. I enjoyed just being a passenger since I usually drive myself. I met a couple of her friends, we all got along great.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Thank Goodness for Therapy

Over the past few months, I have been regularly going to therapy. I knew I needed someone unbiased, who didn’t know me to vent to and help me get through my personal false beliefs. I am by no means “healed” or “complete” yet, but I do know I am making progress. It has been wonderful, especially since I really connected with my therapist right away. She is especially helpful when it comes to putting things into perspective.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Sunday Adventures

I have been making an effort to go to church on Sunday mornings instead of just doing the classes. So, earlier this week, I did join my friends at church. It was lovely catching up with everyone! I am still busy informing people about this blog. I am really enjoying the positive feedback from everyone.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Kittens for Company

Anyone who has owned, visited or even seen cat videos would know that cats love to “help.” This trait was not skipped for any of our cats. Our youngest kitties, Baker and Cinnamon Swirl are mine and they spend their time keeping me company when I am inside. (These two are not allowed to go outside.) Whether I am in the kitchen cooking or taking a restroom break, these two are on the spot ready to be given attention.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Rainy Hike

Yesterday was Tuesday so it was family day. On the way to Mom’s place, my brother picked up Starbucks for us. He is so sweet. We had a great morning and then we all went to a late breakfast including my other brother. We had a blast again. Laughing up a storm, enjoying delicious food and wonderful company.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Daily Spiritual Practice

After a lovely morning gathering with some like minded women, Mom and I went to lunch. There is a new Five Guys and we had watched it getting built as we drove by many times before. It was finally open! It is one of our favorite burger places, so we were very excited. We even ordered a shake for the first time, it was delicious.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Morning Feeding Time

This morning I woke up to another warm sunny day! It is still cold at night so my pajamas are still winter clothes, but after feeding everyone outside I think shorts and flip flops are needed. For anyone reading this who lives in a place where January weather is snow, this is a normal Southern California “winter.”

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Rain Brings Green

Here in Southern California, it rains occasionally and then everything is green. It does look very pretty to have everything green since it’s not common for us. On the farm, we don't have grass, only weeds. Actually, we have quite a few wild mushrooms coming up. The green still looks pretty, but for us that means there is work to be done sooner rather than later.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

A Rainbow After the Storm

Like I mentioned in a previous post, it has been raining here. It rained many days so there was no drinking coffee with the chickens or running the horses or sunbathing for Pippin. We enjoyed our days indoors and that was lovely. The indoor kittens really enjoyed us being inside so we could love on them.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Kitchen Organization

My other brother, not blood but brother all the same, ended up not having to go to work because of the rain. He joined Mom and I while we ran some errands. He is just so cheerful and full of positivity. It was a joy to have him with us as we were shopping. When we arrived at the house, I put the groceries away. While putting away the items in the kitchen cabinets I was frustrated with the disorganization. It was not a new feeling, but I was ready to tackle the task of getting it all organized.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Family Days

Tuesdays are family days for us. It happens to work out that everyone is off that day and we get to spend quality time together. This tradition started because we all got our cars washed on Tuesday morning by a mobile car wash guy that came to my Mom’s house. What started out being just something we did so our cars were clean, quickly turned into cherished family time.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Happy New Year 2023

How someone celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of another varies greatly. From not even realizing it’s New Year’s Day to getting dressed up and partying with friends. I have definitely been on both sides of the spectrum over the years. This year, I just happen to be on the party side.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Dinner Invitation

A good friend of mine invited me over for homemade dinner with the family. He was very kind and asked if I was allergic to anything since he was making seafood. I thought that was so thoughtful. When I arrived, I had the warm welcome I always receive from this sweet family.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Team Work

We are having our house cleaned today. We go around and tidy up so all she has to do is clean. That way the house is tidy AND clean when we get home. It is wonderful being able to hire a cleaner so that’s one more chore we don’t have to do. Living on a farm means there's never a lack of things to be done. We wouldn’t have it any other way though!

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

2023 Budget Spreadsheet

This morning I woke up bright and early! I laid in bed unable to move. There was three kitties and a Weiner dog laying on or next to me, trapping me. It is wonderful to feel so wanted first thing in the morning. I gave kisses and pets to each animal. Then, proceeded to move everyone so I could get up and start my day.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Helping Your Chosen Family

The family we are all born to is one of blood. The family we choose is one of trust and love. Friends that we choose to bring closer into our lives to create our chosen family are special. We turn to each other when there is fun to be had and events to be celebrated. An understanding ear to listen. A companion for meals. Someone to go with you when you shop.

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Cassidy Laughy Cassidy Laughy

Sky of Fire

I felt called to go hiking. I threw on some clothes and my hiking shoes. Off I went to my local hiking spot. As soon as I started down the path, a screeching hawk flew over. In that moment, I knew I made the right choice to follow my intuition.

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