Sunshine Grows Here

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Team Work

We are having our house cleaned today. We go around and tidy up so all she has to do is clean. That way the house is tidy AND clean when we get home. It is wonderful being able to hire a cleaner so that’s one more chore we don’t have to do. Living on a farm means there's never a lack of things to be done. We wouldn’t have it any other way though!

On cleaning days, I pack up my work stuff and head to Starbucks so I can work in peace and so can the cleaner. Sometimes I go hiking or hang out with friends. Either way it gets me out of the house and in a new environment.

This morning, I put away all the Christmas decorations while Mom stayed busy washing dishes and tidying the living room. Even our family friend joined in and helped tremendously. It is so nice when everyone works together seamlessly. In between chores we all had some puppy pets and kitty kisses. You cannot work at my house and skip out on the best part! We got so much done in that short period of time.

It is so important when working with others to have good communication, set boundaries and have understanding of the common goal.
